Paul Rudd and One Direction

Snow in Northern VA Just a normal weekend that ended with our first snowfall of the season.

I did my normal 9A workout on Saturday – deadlifts and then a WOD that just about killed me.  Mid-way through, Coach Bobby realized he had the WOD wrong!!

We were told it was:
6 Rounds

  • 5 Pull Ups
  • 4 DB Snatch/each arm
  • 3 box jumps
  • 2 man makers
  • 1 TGU/each side

–rest 2 mins–
6 more rounds!
Well it was supposed to be –2/6min AMRAPS 

  • 5 Pull Ups
  • 4 DB Snatch/each arm
  • 3 box jumps
  • 2 man makers
  • 1 TGU/each side

Once he realized it, he modified the WOD to 5 rounds/2m rest/3 rounds. It was brutal!!

Today wasn’t much better, although I can absolutely see progress on my cleans!! Yahoo.
Strength: cleans
KB swings
–1min rest–
3min wall sits

You know it’s tough when Coach Randy says, I thought about you when I wrote this one up because of he knows burpees kill me. I needed quite a few puffs of my inhaler after this workout.

I have to share this SNL video from this weekend hosted by Paul Rudd and One Direction. I am a mom of a tween, so I know all about 1D. I am a fan of them myself, but what i love about this video is Paul Rudd. He really commits to his comedy and gives it his all. This SNL short is just hilarious!!!

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