The Fountain of Youth is No Secret

I have been having some issues with my right trap and shoulder for a while now. Anything overhead seems to aggravate it and being stubborn – I have been ignoring it, working through it and continuing on doing some mobility daily to loosen it up. I think it’s due to misalignment during lifting and just overall posture issues. My shoulders lean in — picture a traditional weightlifter sort of hunch. I am working on it though –just takes time and effort.

Anyway, my friend Liz has been bugging me about backing off from some of the movements I have been doing to let it heal and I finally listened.  Starting last week, I have been avoiding pull ups (especially kipping), and going lower on any sort of exercise that requires me to push it overhead. And my shoulder/trap does actually feel better. I am surprised at how hard it is for me to just leave my ego at the door and pick up the 15# dumbbells when I normally do 25# -even though I KNOW it’s because I’m working on healing something. I guess it’s because I have worked so hard to be this strong – and to have to back off of it, is tough.  But just like anything else with this fitness journey, change and being comfortable with it is part of the learning process.

I want to let you in on a little secret this morning about where to find the Fountain of Youth…

You can find it in your area, I swear. I have seen proof – Exercise and living a healthy life is the secret and is quite literally the Fountain of Youth.

Steph Hoaglund and HBI have seen it for myself — I feel and look younger than I did when I was in my twenties (or so I have been told). And this week, an old AOL co-worker of mine posted this status:

Five years ago, I couldn’t climb stairs without getting winded. Today, I punched and kicked my way through my test, almost passing out. Anything is possible folks, and let me tell you, it feels damn good when you get there. Well, after you throw up and fall down. And a shower. Then it feels good.

I was looking at the picture she posted to go along with it and realized she looks younger and healthier than five years ago too! She feels great and looks younger without cosmetic surgery! Through exercise and living healthier. I think there is something to this whole thing.

To further the point, the Washington Post published Studies show the long-term, positive effects of fitness on cognitive abilities. I think we can all agree that exercise and living healthy improves all areas of your life.

Exercise improves:

  1. Sleep
  2. Thinking
  3. Mood including Depressing and Anxiety
  4. Sex Life
  5. Memory
  6. Controls Weight
  7. Boosts Energy and fights Fatigue

Our bodies are designed to move –when we are sedentary, we are not using as designed and it causes issues! It’s a no brainer — and we all can find time in our busy lives to make exercise a priority.


3x 10 Strict Pullups
3x 400m Row
3x RFT
25 slam balls
40 Double Unders/60 Singles

100 Abmat Situps

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