Focus on The Process Not The Goal

Quote: Breathe In the Future, Breathe Out the Past - Live Fit and Sore! Second day of the new year – My kids head back to school for two days, life resumes the routine. I’ve been thinking about what I want to work on this year. I dont like to set goals per se – I’ve never been big on setting Resolutions. As I have found out, life throws way too many curve balls during the year to make resolutions really stick.  What I have found works is to create plans and create a process and take things in small chunks so that plans can actually come to fruition.

Creating a good process actually can help account for all those unknown curve balls. It’s all about making positive progress and change.  Always learning, always growing, always moving forward.

Goals don’t allow for some of the great things that come from the unknown of life. What if in going after your goal – you discover an affinity for something else? Does that mean your goal is now null and void? If you create a plan and a process – part of the journey is discovering the off beaten paths that come up en route. Does that make sense?

I am in the process of thinking through some of the things I want to work on this year — and based on yesterday’s race — running will definitely be on the list.

On the flip side – don’t put too much pressure on yourself either. New year is a time to also be kinder to yourself and those around you.


Weighted Pull Ups

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Kindness Matters

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