Change: A Constant In Every Life

So instead of my usual Highbar CrossFit class this morning, I slept in and went to a hot yoga class instead. I have mentioned recently that my shoulders have really felt tight and I am just generally feeling a bit out of balance. I was thinking last night that it’s been almost six months without a break from CrossFit. I usually find myself taking some sort of vacation trip for a week or so during any six month period and use that as a good solid rest period.  I haven’t done that this time –and add to it some extra stress that.  I am starting to feel the effects of burn out, which, in the past,  has been addressed through some solid rest.

The extra stress was the reality of getting laid off from my job in a less than ideal way and adjusting to a new way of life.  And as great as this new life is,  including how well it’s going – it still means change and has shifted my entire way of life.

Which brings me to the point today  – In this morning’s yoga class, Christina, the instructor, chose Change as the change quotetheme to talk about. Change is a reality of life yet it’s something that many of us fear. It happens each and every day – Winter changes to Spring changes to Summer changes to Fall. Change is a constant in each of our lives.

During this last period of change, after being upset and angry, I consciously decided to go with it.  I reminded myself how every time something out of my control has happened, it has led me to a better place. It may not be the place I had in mind or even better at first glance- but it got there. I learned something. I made progress. I grew.  And I end up looking back with sincere appreciation. And thinking like that has allowed me to let go of the fear and embrace change. I needed it.

Fear can hold us back from heading down the path that we are meant to be on and once we see that – change becomes a lot less scary.

Christina said If we are never off balance, how will we ever know to readjust.

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Seek Growth Quote


1 hour of Hot Yoga


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