Life is good. Spring is here.

The Hoaglunds I bought a Ninja blender this weekend to start incorporating Kale and veggies in my daily grind — I need more than ever to re-focus on my overall nutrition and health. I have been on a slippery slope far too long and it’s at a point where pants that I have fit into for years no longer fit. I can make excuses all day long and some are indeed valid, but I know that I need to put in the work to regain control.

For those wanting to adjust their nutrition and get back on the road with me, here’s a great  Product Guide for The Paleo Newbie and my brother sent this to me yesterday: Food For Thought: The ultimate health food guide and there is always my list of helpful Paleo/Nutrition resources to help you get started.

Scotty and I spent quite a fair amount of time out this weekend – we are going to start having our weekly date nights again which we did on Friday and on Saturday, we celebrated our friend John Divney’s birthday at Reston Town Center. So fun to meet up with friends we haven’t seen in a long time and just relax.

Life is good. Spring is here. 

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Yesterday 4/20

3 Rounds 1 min/round

  • bench hops
  • tire flips
  • weighted sit ups
  • Slam ball Push ups
  • Walking lunges with bicep curls

Today 4/21

  • Warmup
  • Power Clean testing