Birthday Wishes for Nate Dogg

312286_10150369745638741_1322630304_nHappy 10th BIrthday to my Nate Dogg, my challenging, cute, sweet, smart, and mischievous bundle of joy. It’s hard to believe that my youngest is now double digits. It’s another reminder of how time flies… Nate used to love to snuggle, hug and hang out with me and now he would much rather hang out with his dad and play video games. Getting a hug and kiss from him is a lesson in strategy and deal making. I tell him all the time that being his Mom, I am entitled to hugs and kisses whenever I want but it hasn’t changed his mind. I won’t stop trying though — some day he will realize how awesome my attempts really were.

Here are some good tips and info about raising boys:



10154679_10152057914248741_1385034206_nRead This

So Cute

Be Inspired

Never Waste Your Feelings on people who don't value them


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