Tips To Help Gain Perspective

Stephanie Hoaglund August 2014I was overcome with how many people “liked” my FB post about Scott’s cancerversary.  Reminds me how lucky we are to have so many people in our lives supporting and loving us. It was a great day all around including me getting my hair done – doing my hair and buying shoes are sure fire ways of making me feel fabulous any day of the week.

The gift that having to deal with Scott’s cancer has given me is Perspective. Perspective about what is meaningful in my life, how blessed I am, what is really important. I sometimes discard it and let insignificant things get to me – but I usually find my way back. But, how do you start gaining perspective and using it to filter your life experiences? 

A huge life experience like an illness or a death can get you there but what if you want to start seeing your world differently without having to struggle?

I came across this post: Two Questions to Help You Gain Perspective which really spoke to me. The two questions they suggest asking yourself:

Question 1: If someone had a video tape of your typical day, what would they see?

Question 2: Based on your current actions and behaviors, where would you expect to be in five years?

At the heart of it, these two questions are about self reflection: having a vision and goals for yourself. For every situation and decision – ask yourself:

  • Does this align with who I want to be?
  • Am I around people who lift me higher?
  • Is the situation I am dealing with worthy of an emotional investment?
  • How does it make me feel?

I also find getting outside and closer to nature helps. We all are just a small part of a huge world. We get so caught up in a rat race which leads many of us to feel disconnected – something like taking your shoes off and walking through some freshly cut grass can center and bring you back.  Research shows that taking a walk in a park can help boost your spirits as it connects you to nature.

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