Move Out Of Your Comfort Zone in 2016

Here we are in December, weeks away from the New Year and the beginning of winter. Colder weather, darker days, a lot of stress for some trying to survive the holiday season.

Move out of your comfort zoneFor me, it can be the perfect recipe for losing motivation and momentum – if you let it.  I used to think that this time of year and into early January, when all the gyms are full and people start creating New Year’s resolutions, was the time for renewed inspiration. I find myself starting to feel the pull of the warm bed in the early morning and find myself staring at the clock during some of my workouts wondering how much longer I have until it’s done.

It’s a good thing to recognize because as someone who loves working out – the feeling of a good sweat and the feeling of strength that comes with a great workout. There’s nothing like it, I can’t imagine drifting away from this lifestyle – but it becomes more chore-like if I don’t continue to challenge myself by trying new things or switching things up.

So – for those who are active on the regular and reliably focused on leading a healthy lifestyle – I challenge you to switch things up in the upcoming year. If you find something you love already – great – keep it up but also try a few new things to spice things up. Try a new class – ZUMBA anyone??  Try weight lifting, try Barre. Get outside of your comfort zone — your body and mind will actually benefit from it!

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Star Wars Kraft Macaroni & Cheese “Can’t Play”

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You are a work in progress

One response to “Move Out Of Your Comfort Zone in 2016”

  1. Exactly. Change things up. The coaches at the CrossFit box I train at they say the same things as you. Try different things. Yoga, Pilates, BJJ, Boxing etc. I tried meditative Yoga and found it wasn’t for me. I tried Pilates and it is so much fun.

    I’ve also heard MMA fighters talk about training different things like Spinning, Cycling etc. I never thought I’d hear that.

    Thanks for sharing this.