The Scoop on Vitamin D

Vitamin DIt’s been quite a ride the past week or so for me… With the Jonas blizzard and a bunch of other crap going on, I am finding it hard to breathe. I am feeling anxious and restless. I know it’s due to stress, but man it’s hard to deal with. My to do list is getting longer and I am starting to feel like I can’t keep up. And I have asked for help, but sometimes getting help means more work for me.

I am trying to remain calm and remember to take each day as it comes — but man, I would like a break from ‘adulting’ please. When I start to feel this way, I also remember it’s February. Right around this time every year I find myself in a funk. Lack of sunshine, Seasonal Affective Disorder, stinks! I have to start using my Light Therapy Lamp again so I can ensure I get enough Vitamin D.

Winter 2016

Speaking of Vitamin D, a friend of mine recently asked me if I knew anything about Vitamin D. I didn’t really know, so I did some research. Here’s what I found…

According to this blog: DO YOU NEED TO TAKE VITAMIN D?

Skin type affects how much sun you need. Generally speaking, paler skin types tend to produce more Vitamin D and darker skin types tend to produce less. A fair skinned person might only need 10 minutes of exposure around noon while someone that is darker could need up to 2 hours of exposure [8].”

The climate you live in will likely determine whether or not you can get enough Vitamin D through sun exposure alone

Just taking a Vitamin D supplement won’t always fix the problem. Vitamin D and calcium exist in balance. More Vitamin D is produced when calcium is low to increase absorption, and through a negative feedback loop, the body suppresses Vitamin D production when calcium levels are high.

So, you need to get your Vitamin D levels checked to see if you really need to supplement, however I tell everyone to go get a sun lamp if you live in an area where the amount of sunlight varies depending on the season. I feel better after using it consistently and it’s not just in my head.

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2 responses to “The Scoop on Vitamin D”

  1. I found my Vitamin D levels low but still within range but according to research even if you are not clinically deficient you need around 50-70 ng/ml.

    So do blood work and check if you are below that ask your doctor if you can take Vitamin to get more to around 50-70 ng/ml reading.

    Just my 0.02.