Category: Yoga

  • A Balanced Life is the Key To Happiness

    Yesterday’s Yoga theme was BALANCE and the idea that the universe needs it and will do what is necessary to gain it.  I’m sure we all have seen examples in our lives of the chaos that ensues when things are out of balance. We eat too much, drink too much, clutter up our spaces, overindulge…

  • Summer: A Season of Abundance

    Today’s Yoga theme was about the meanings of the different seasons, specifically Summer. Summer meaning abundance – it’s the time when things come to fruition. Flowers bloom, goals come together – but not everything is ready. Keep in mind that fruit takes a while to ripen. But it’s the time to appreciate all you have…

  • Aparigraha: What Are You Holding On To Today?

    My yoga instructor Tori continued the theme of Aparigraha (Non-Possessiveness) in yesterday’s class. According to wiki, Aparigraha “is the concept of non-possessiveness or non-greediness. The term usually means to limit possessions to what is necessary or important, which changes with the time period.” I am getting a lot out of this theme personally. I have needed to de-clutter my house…

  • Letting Go: Re-think, Re-imagine and Re-explore

    Today’s theme at yoga was Letting Go — and the need to continually rethink, reimagine, re-explore long held beliefs and ultimately let go of those that prevent us from moving on.  Why do we think we are not athletic? Why do we think we aren’t beautiful or worthy of love? Is there a moment in our pasts that helped define…

  • What Do You Need Today?

    Today’s Yoga class theme was thinking about what you need today.  Today, do you need strength: brama or do you need to be more fluid ayama?  It’s interesting to think through. During the stretches, we were told to perform them based on what we needed – note: not what we wanted but what we needed. Did we…

  • Giving Back To The Community

    I had one heck of a Yoga headache after yesterday’s class, so I looked it up and it’s a common malady after a hot yoga class when you are a beginner. I made sure to drink a lot of water afterwards but couldn’t seem to break it.  After a few sessions, it seems to not…

  • Acne: Location Matters

    Growing up, I remember learning that acne was a problem that Teens had. But what I have since found out from my own experience is that it’s a problem adults have as well. It never goes away. Once you hit puberty, the porcelain, flawless skin that you had as a baby into a toddler becomes…

  • A Strong Strength Foundation

    Not only can I already feel how Yoga is helping with some mobility issues, it’s also helping me learn to quiet my mind. At the end of every class, we do a short meditation and I always wish it was longer. I just start to feel relaxed – my muscles are loose, i love how…