Tag: bmi

  • Obesity: In Black and White

    So here’s a gut kicker that happened to me today. Regularly, I go to my general practitioner for a med check and I for the most part I request that they don’t check my weight.  As much as I talk about how the number on the scale isn’t necessarily an accurate indicator of one’s health and definitely not…

  • BMI Numbers Don’t Add Up

    During yesterday’s hot yoga class, the theme was practicing compassion -specifically SELF COMPASSION. Often times we are so hard on ourselves, never cutting ourselves a break. Kindness needs to start with you in order for it to really blossom.  We all have disappointments, struggles that we deal with and visions of how we think things should…

  • Using BAI instead of BMI to measure fat

    BAI Better Than BMI? Scientists Develop New Way To Measure Fat I personally was not a fan of the BMI measurement scale. 2 people can have completely different body shapes and and weigh the same — and one comes out as obese based on weight alone. There are way too many variables to add to…

  • Obesity may be linked to lower sperm count

    Obesity is the latest health woe being blamed for low sperm counts among men of child-rearing age, Body Fat: A Threat To Future Babies? Maybe, at least according to a study on 2,157 young men published in this month’s Fertility and Sterility. Men with higher body mass indexes also had lower sperm counts, although still…

  • Researcher casts light on ‘obesity paradox’ in heart patients

    Researcher casts light on ‘obesity paradox’ in heart patients. Based on the results, Oreopoulos found that 41 per cent of her study group had been wrongly classified by BMI. Some patients who had high body weight but lower body fat were mistakenly considered obese, and conversely, patients of low weight and high body fat were…