Tag: Fitness/Exercise

  • Finding your ‘CrossFit’

    This weather is great and perfect for working out. Other than allergies, I love springtime in Virginia. I also love ‘springtime’ in Arizona –which is where i will be heading in a few short weeks for spring break. Heat, sun and time to recharge — Warmupx2 run around bldg 1x sampson stretch 10 pass thrus…

  • Components of A Successful Fitness Program

    For best exercise, don’t be lonely or late Activities done in groups and early in the day seems to show the best success rates. This article is completely in line with my own experience. I work out early in the day with the same group of people — it creates a routine and a community…

  • Get a Grip

    Losing your grip? It could be a clue to your health Grip strength can indicate overall muscle tone and, according to one study, even suggest how long you might live. Getting a good grip on your health may mean … getting a good grip. The force you can muster when squeezing an object or a…

  • Definitions of ‘fit’ and ‘fitness’ vary from person to person

    Definitions of ‘fit’ and ‘fitness’ vary from person to person Think hitting a fastball or catching a touchdown pass is tough? Try settling on a definition for the term “fit.” Nowthere’s a moving target. In truth, fitness is an exceedingly slippery concept, one whose meaning varies from person to person and doesn’t rest solely on…

  • CrossFit WODs are never what they seem —

    What a storm we had last night — pouring rain hitting the side of the house. I like the sound of falling rain and all but this was a loud storm. You just have to appreciate mother nature! Today’s workout once again seems pretty minor but oh no — it was tough and right after doing Murph.…

  • Monday means Murph

    Good  Morning Monday. It was a tough weekend full of hard workouts and hours and hours of lawn work. There really is something to doing lawn maintenance each season so that it doesn’t all pile up — I spent over 3 hours raking and bagging leaves in my back yard and I am still not…

  • The Couch Stretch aka Torture

    There is a stretch we do at CrossFit Impavidus that I think is a serious form of torture. It’s called the couch stretch – try it, you will quickly see why I think the way I do… Even this CF site renames it:  The Couch Stretch, aka”Dude, this hurts more than the WOD” at CrossFit…

  • Tag You’re It!

    It was a great open workout at CrossFit Impavidus today. A few new people showed up, full of energy! I can’t tell you enough how much I love the community aspect of CrossFit. Fellow athletes all cheering each other on — wanting to see results! It really is the big difference between a ‘globo-gym’ and…

  • CrossFit Games Workout

    Man, I’m sore. It was almost enough to keep me in bed this morning and skip my workout — but nope, I got up and headed to CrossFit Impavidus. It was a tough workout. So many times, I will look at what the WOD is when I first walk in to the box, and say…

  • CrossFit: Keep an Open Mind

    This morning was tough — less than 12 hours earlier I did a WOD and here I am again, working out. Warmupx2 20 DU/40 SU 10 OHS 10 Good Mornings 10 Hollow Rocks 10 Pull ups (2 min dead hang p/ups) Skill Handstand Walks Med Ball Cleans WOD 5 RFT 15 Med Ball Cleans (14lb)…