Tag: happiness

  • Happiness Starts With You

      We all have the power to decide how we see situations in our life – it’s a choice. Do we want to be Eeyore or do we want to be Tigger? Your decision, your choice…

  • Crab Walking

    I could not stop eating yesterday –and not in a good way. I think it’s the week before that time of the month and all hell breaks loose in my body. It’s so odd because it’s like my mind totally loses any control and all rational thinking about nutrition goes out the window. It was…

  • Be Happy: Your Heart Will Thank You

    And certainly, people with sunnier outlooks may also be more inclined than those who are glum to adopt healthy habits like eating well and exercising, which means it could be the healthy habits, not the personality per se, that keep arteries clean and disease free. via Be Happy: Your Heart Will Thank You. I found…