Tag: learning

  • Keep Learning Online For Free

    Since I switched things up last night and went in for a boxing class, I took today as a rest day. A huge part of staying fit is exercising your mind by constantly learning new things and challenging yourself. That can mean trying to master a new skill, learn a new subject or adopt a…

  • Always be learnin’.

    I am going to meet a friend that wants to try Highbar CrossFit tonight for their evening class, which is a good thing because I woke up this morning not able to move my arms fully because of the pull ups on Sunday and the Manmakers on Monday. Total CrossFit problems!. I read this yesterday “Being…

  • Creating Neurological Connections

    When you learn about CrossFit and the theory behind it,  you review how you create and restore neurological connections as you learn how to lift and body awareness. It’s why you try a movement over and over again, helping develop muscle memory Although the precise mechanism of muscle memory is unknown, what is theorized is…