Tag: moms

  • Aol. a great working mom company

    My first job out of college was at Aol. — and as many of you know, I met my husband there, had my 2 wonderful kids while working there (not actually working — but you know what I mean) — it really does have wonderful Parenting benefits — So I completely agree with its spot…

  • Happy Mom’s Day

    HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all the Moms and those that do the job without the title! Now a days there are so many definitions of what a Mother is – so they should get to enjoy the day too! This is a pic of my mom and I at my brother’s wedding last August in…

  • Notable News

    Get Physical: Effective Weight Management Methods. Good weight loss programs are usually uncomplicated, but you need to balance an everyday workout routine with a properly crafted, nutritious diet. Listing foods to stay away from, foods to be eaten mostly, and foods to be consumed moderately can be a very good way to properly begin a…