Tag: programming

  • A Responsibility To Protect

    Here’s a pic of my baby – I realize he’s no longer a baby but that’s what I see when I look into his green eyes. He will always be my Baby Nate. With HB gone this week —  this guy has been a dream this week. It’s interesting to see how siblings relate to…

  • Teaching Girls Programming

    Here’s a pic of Hannah and her partner working on a small basic training module on Sunday.  I wrote about it last week: Teaching Kids Programming Event. Although I think Hannah was a bit younger than the ideal age to introduce some of the concepts, it did spark some overall interest in programming. One the…


    Join us July 11th for an event that will transform the lives of 20 young girls. Programming? For girls? ….YES! Programming has evolved and now more than ever girls have the opportunity in a world they’ve only known through technology to shape and mould the future of our society. So many young women have already…