Tag: relationships

  • Caution: Internal Construction

    The Dance of Relationships I have been undergoing some self prescribed internal construction lately. I am looking into new strategies and ways to react to certain situations and people to help me improve some aspects of my personality and the way I behave when faced with them that seem to get me into some pickles…

  • Friendships

    I love this post — it really captured what I went through a few years ago and re-categorizing people in my life: …cuTTiNg oFF LiMbS… It reminded me also of some of my favorite quotes: “Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.” — Maya Angelou “A real friend…

  • What if I didn’t workout?

    This is me this morning after a 4.5mil run on the W&OD trail. It was hot and humid and great. I have had a lot on mind lately both personally and professionally that I am finding these runs really help me quiet the thoughts in my head, at least temporarily. On a different topic –…