Tag: soda

  • Calling All Diet-Coke aholics – Give Up the Soda

    I gave up soda almost 2 years ago. I was what I refer to as a Diet Coke-aholic so it was a VERY big deal and my family still likes to talk about how much soda I drank. Gotta love your siblings to help remind you of where you came from right?   I remember…

  • A Push to Ban Soda Purchases With Food Stamps

    A Push to Ban Soda Purchases With Food Stamps – NYTimes.com. I don’t believe govt should be dictating what people should eat or buy –but I am all for this. Soda has no nutritional value at all and in fact can have detrimental health implications when used consistently over time. If the govt is giving…

  • Dr. Joseph Mercola: America’s Deadliest Sweetener Betrays Millions, Then Hoodwinks You With Name Change

    Dr. Joseph Mercola: America’s Deadliest Sweetener Betrays Millions, Then Hoodwinks You With Name Change. Aspartame is the most controversial food additive in history, and its approval for use in food was the most contested in FDA history. In the end, the artificial sweetener was approved, not on scientific grounds, but rather because of strong political…

  • Notable News

    Phys Ed: A Workout for Your Bloodstream – Well Blog – NYTimes.com. Another great reason to add exercise into your daily routine. This study says that it has metabolic effects and that being fit helps your body run more efficiently. Who can argue with that? But a new study that gauged the metabolic effects of…

  • Hello! My name is Steffy and I used to be a Diet Cokaholic

    Early Consumption Of Soda Indicator Of Unhealthy Diet. I drank soda. I more than drank soda – I lived and breathed soda all throughout my teens and twenties. It was only a year or so ago that i gave it up for good.  I also didn’t drink milk very much. My family was never a…

  • Soda is bad for you.

    Nutrition Lab: Milk, soft drinks and bone strength – latimes.com. It does seem to be true that soda drinkers have worse diets overall. In a study published this month in the Journal of the American Dietetic Assn., for example, among 170 girls followed from age 5 to 15, those who drank soda at age 5…