Tag: stretching

  • Stretches to Open Your Hips

    Stretches to Open Your Hips

    The more and more I work with my clients, the more and more I understand the need to add in hip flexor mobility movements to their overall training. Hip flexors are important – they attach to your spine and pelvis, and play a big role in your posture. Many people have tight hips and the…

  • Open your Hips to Better Health

    Open your Hips to Better Health

    One of the things I have noticed over the years of working out with and training others–people have super tight hip flexors and don’t stretch enough! Last week, I was boxing with a professional football player who is currently a free agent as he recovers from a pre-season game ankle injury. I’m always amazed at…

  • Notable News

    Really? – The Claim – Lack of Sleep Increases Weight – Question – NYTimes.com. I found this article interesting to me because I am living proof that this is really the case. When Nate was born – that little bugger did not sleep. He hated to be alone and Scott and I literally had 4…