Tag: valentine’s day

  • Happy Valentine’s Day: Kill It With Kindness

    Happy Valentine’s Day – I would prefer to call today Kindness Day! As I have said, I don’t need a day set aside to show my love for my husband and my family. The real moments where we show care and kindness are the ones that matter to me. When Scott notices my phone isn’t…

  • Valentine’s Day: Love Seeks Real Moments

    This weekend is Valentine’s Day if you didn’t already know.  My friend shared this really meaningful post this morning: The One True Thing About the Perfect Valentine’s Date that I want everyone to read.  “Love doesn’t seek a perfect moment; it seeks a real moment.” There is no such thing as a fairy tale marriage. No relationship…

  • Happy Valentine’s Day: Lucky to Have Love

    Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone out there. It doesn’t matter what kind of Love you have in your life— as long as you have Love. It’s mushy but true.  I am lucky to have the Silver Fox in my life – who loves me at my worst and at my best. This is the 19th…