The American Way


WASHINGTON (Nov. 20) — First mammograms. Now — in an apparent coincidence — Pap smears.
New guidelines by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists say most women in their 20s can have a Pap smear every two years instead of annually to catch slow-growing cervical cancer.

This is such a tough debate. Health care definitely needs some kind of reform no doubt about it.  This begs me to question – if it could find just one case annually to that one person, it was worth the exam right?  But we all know, the good old USA is a country that exists on cost analysis and if the costs outweigh the benefits (even if that benefit is one person’s life) then they will do what’s best for the greater good. Would people complain if they didn’t do it this way and charge what it costs? It’s a tough call on most  people, but not on the people it affects directly.  No measurement of cost analysis could explain to that one person that they could have caught it earlier if only..

Cancer screenings under scrutiny