
I said this earlier, I like to go running alone and think. I think about all sorts of things but today’s run brought up some feelings of loss. Loss of the security and gift of health by my family and by so many others.

I ran by my neighbor Tom’s house and I was reminded how his sister is fighting colon cancer and unfortunately, cancer has the upper hand right now. I wondered how she and Tom are both doing. How she was just living her life and how she was hit with a ton of bricks – cancer. And I thought about my friend Michelle, whose friend, Dave is fighting cancer now and is ICU. And also about my friend Melissa’s friend, a mom who is fighting breast cancer and how she was doing. I work hard daily to live beyond the cancer battle we just fought and continue to fight but sometimes it creeps back into my mind, especially when I hear about how others are living with cancer now. I also think that these feelings creep back up when I am feeling unstable and unsure of things going on in my own life.

I had a great run today. 5 miles on a brisk fall morning on the Wo&D trail. Fall colors in full effect. Life is good and I am blessed to be able to enjoy it with my family every day.

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