Post Thanksgiving rituals

thanksgiving-dinnerSo I did it. I ate my Thanksgiving dinner and dessert without limits yesterday and guess what? I ended up sick. My stomach hurt so bad that I had to leave a gathering early to go to bed. I am not the person I used to be, clearly. It has been so long since I ate without a sense of limit or responsibility and boy was I punished for it.

I think it was that and the combo of over-exerting myself exercise wise yesterday that did me in. I slept like 12 hours last night through today. I feel better but I have learned my lesson. First thing this morning, I went back to my program.


What about Black Friday? That special day after Thanksgiving where you go and shop your heart out and if you can get ahold of one of those “doorbusters” – that just makes getting up at the crack of down that much more special – right??

I went 2 years ago at the wee early hour and vowed never to do it again. I found that I had no plan and nothing that I particularly had to have and when you are like that… you end up just getting frustrated and overwhelmed around the professional shoppers that haunt the stores at the hour.

I have heard of a few people that got those amazing $300 TVs or Electronics, and I am always in awe of their dedication and talent for getting those deals. I salute them. I get up early 4 days a week and I just don’t think the chance of getting on on a deal is worth it to me.

What about you? Did you brave the roads and make it to the Black Friday stores before dawn? Did you get anything worthwhile? What about online shopping? Did you get those deals as well? I would love to hear some “success” stories.