Today at the gym…

Today I went to Gold’s gym to start my day. I got on the treadmill and did approximately 4 miles at a pretty decent avg pace of 8:30. Then I went and did some strength training – squats with 25lbs dumbells, 25lbs overhead squats, box jumps (50), push presses 25lb dumbells, side lat 40lb dumbell.

stairmillI then did 30 pushups and ended the workout on the stairmill. If you are looking for a monstrous cardio session, don’t look any further than the stairmill. It get your heart rate up with less hard impact to your knees. Man, this thing is tough. I did 10 mins and rotated between level 8-11. I was drenched even after only 10 mins. I suggest anyone try this one to give you a good change of pace from the traditional cardio machines. Shake your gym routine up a bit!!