Let me say it: This month’s Thursday Camp at Plumbline is now my least favorite routine. I was searching, hunting, hungry for a good excuse to not go this morning. Hello?? Where is the ice, where is the snow, where is a fever — pink eye anyone??? But — I could not find any excuse that involved me being contagious or seriously risking my life..so off to workout I go.
Calistentics – backwards lunges, high knees, tuck jumps, leg lifts
50 pushups
3 series of different types of sit-ups – Twists, Planks (then do lift one leg, then the other, lift your leg and your opposite hand, then the other) , good morning jumps
The workout consisted of One Round/5 mins each station (yes folks, 5 MINS each station):
halos with 65lbs -2.5 mins /back squats 65lbs -2.5 mins
weighted jump ropes 5 mins (Weighted jump ropes help develop body muscle tone and endurance. These ropes are not for beginners, and they aren’t necessary for those who are strictly looking for a agility workout.)
checkpoint push-ups with 25lb dumbells 5 mins
assisted pullups -2.5 mins/handstand pushups- 2.5 mins (I modified this to do upside down push-ups with my knees on the box)
sumo deadlift highpulls – 65lbs
So, imagine doing these above exercises for 5 minutes without a break at full speed. It’s just as much mental as it is physical to get through it. You have to know that you are changing your body, mind and spirit by going at this type of workout full speed.
At one point during the checkpoint push-ups, I just felt like I didn’t have any more in me. We do them in an upstairs loft area and the rest of the group is downstairs. So at times, Thrash is not able to see us completely. So I went down to do a checkpoint with the 25lb dumbells in hand and I stayed there, on the mat, telling myself that I was too tired. It’s easier to tell yourself that when you think Thrash can’t see you… Then before I could rest for any reasonable time, I hear Thrash say “where did Steph go?”. Goes to show you, you never know when someone is watching you and it’s great to know that he is there to watch me- push me , making me realize that I am better and more capable than I think I am. That’s what makes a great trainer/coach -Thanks again!
