Lazy Sundays

I think Sundays should be a day to unwind. For me, it’s the day to catch up on things that I didn’t get a chance to do during the week. Dreaded laundry, housework, organizing – and all that goes with those things.

I set up a babysitter to come today so Scott and I could actually go out for lunch without constantly being interrupted. We went to a restaurant called Fireworks Pizza in Leesburg. It was such a great lunch and we enjoyed a real conversation.

I think it’s so important to make time to just get away with your spouse. Even if it’s just to grab a quick bite to eat and do errands. We have a young guy across the street who comes over to watch the kids. We try to schedule him once a week. I also like that he’s a high school boy. It’s great for him and great for ours kids to understand that babysitters and caretakers aren’t solely girls.  Scott and I try to go out once a week to reconnect and reset our relationship. It really does help. We all get so caught up in taking care of the family, that sometimes the relationship that brought you together and created that family gets lost in the shuffle. I think everyone needs to find a way for alone time on a regular basis.

Have a great Monday!