A fresh start to a Monday

It’s a new boot camp session, so a new routine!
We had a very quick warmup today: Just 1 min Burpees


Teeter totters
Bicycles moving up and down with our torso
One leg up rotations (I can’t remember the name of this one)
25 bottom up pushups

3 rounds AMRepsAP. We had 3 rest/active stations.

45lb OH Back squats/Burpees with a 14lb Dynamax ball
Box jumps/plyo pushups
20lb db push press squats
25lb kettlebell Figure 8s/Sumo squats with 25lb kettlebell
Partner Dynamax Ball toss

Although weight wise, this workout isn’t as heavy as previous ones- it still kicked my butt. MT says I am pacing myself during the workouts. I don’t think I can argue with that. My shoulders are burning too. We have done so much shoulder work lately, that any shoulder based exercise just kills me. But, I push through…

So many people have today off. I do but you don’t get a break from living a healthy life. So what fitness activity are you going to do today? Try to get out there and do something – you will feel better, trust me!