A Greater Appreciation

I have realized driving home from boot camp each morning,  how pretty sunrise time is. I mean – I knew it was pretty, but seeing it every day brings a greater appreciation for just how beautiful it is.  It is one of the added bonuses of getting up that early.

Today’s Plumbline Training workout if you remember, is the 5 minute stations. You know what? It didn’t seem as torturous today as it has in the past. Wonder why that is??

We did our warmup as usual:

Checkpoints – a checkpoint is when you go down to the floor in a pushup position with your legs out and then spread them,  bring them back in, stand up, touch the points of your hips, and do it again, and again, and again…
forward lunges

General stretching
Partner Wood chops with 14lb dynamax ball
Partner 6inch bridges holding the 14 dynmax ball
25 partner push-ups

5 Min Rounds: AMRepsAP

walking lunges (25 dbs)
65lb chest press/back wards rows
box step ups (25 dbs)
65lb hangclean squat presses
Partner Assisted Pull-ups

And then you breathe a sign of relief because you are done! 🙂 What kind of activity are you doing today?