News to Note

Six Meaningless Claims on Food Labels – Well Blog –

Although food labels are supposed to tell us exactly what’s in the food we’re buying, marketers have created a language all their own to make foods sound more healthful than they really are. – 25 Ridiculously Healthy Foods.

Lots of good ideas about what foods to eat plenty of. Same items seem to keep coming up over and over again!

Want To Remember Better? Take A Coffee Break | Fitness Health

Coffee can help you retain things you just learned? There are a lot of mixed feelings about coffee. My trainer believes no coffee is the right answer. Lots of articles say coffee in moderation is ok. I have also read that the process that takes the coffee bean from the plant removes all helpful benefits of coffee. Oh, what to do? I say live your life with moderation.

Branch: Sustainable Design for Living.

My brother sent me this link for sustainable living items to buy. He lives in San Fran and I am always finding really interesting ways of thinking and approaches to all sorts of things when I talk to him. San Fran is definitely at the fore front of many trends and new approaches of living that are so beyond trends.  He wants me to try biodegradable paper plates.  Being a busy mom, I have often reverted to using paper plates of the Costco variety much to his dismay to save time doing dishes and cleanup. I am sure I am not alone. I will look into switching it up, because while I do like the convenience of paper plates, I certainly don’t want to use them at the expense of the Earth.
