Notable News

How doctors practice what they preach with diet and exercise | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Life/Travel: Health.

“I have to get my workouts in extremely early, or I wouldn’t get it done,” he said. “It helps my mind open. I’;m probably a much better person, in a much better mood, when I’;m active.”He has his share of aches but says the benefits far outweigh the pains.Balis cycles, swims, runs or lifts weights at the gym. He then showers and heads straight to work, eating a couple pieces of fruit and an energy bar en route.

We can’t aim for perfection, but we can aim for improvement by saying NO to unnecessary packaging and even toting our own reusables. TakeOutWithOut – enjoy your food, save your money, improve your health and help our planet!

Well – From Title IX, Evidence of Sports’ Lasting Effects –

…separate studies from two economists offer some answers, providing the strongest evidence yet that team sports can result in lifelong improvements to educational, work and health prospects.

Buy Heart Healthy Foods On A Small Budget | LIVESTRONG.COM.

The foods you eat affect much more than just your feeling of hunger. The foods you choose to consume also affect the overall healthy of your body, especially your heart. Foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol can cause arterial plaque build up, leading to higher risks of heart disease, heart attack and stroke. Choosing healthy foods, even when you are on a tight budget, can help prevent this from occurring.

Aspirin may help prevent return of breast cancer –

The study is the first to find that regular aspirin users had a lower risk of dying from breast cancer…A study in August also found that aspirin offered a potential benefit against colon cancer.