That was Fun!

Plumbline Training workout for today:

backwards lunges
leg lifts (right leg, left leg)
high knees
tuck jumps

6in flutters
half pikes
placement sit-ups
50 push-ups

3 rounds AMRepsAP / 1 min stations

45lb db Iso shoulder lifts / Iso Sit -ups –(not the technical names)
ring dips
hang clean squats 25lb db
box scissor steps / tabatas
ballistic push press 65lb

The Ballistic Push Press was challenging. You actually let go of the bar over your head while pushing it up, and catch it. You have to let go of your fear in order to give it a try. All sorts of thoughts went through my head when I was trying this — what if I don’t catch it, man this is hard, are you kidding me??  I did figure it out and liked the new challenge.

Because this workout involved so much of the upper body, i loved it. I have strong upper body strength and found this one just fun!

What are you planning on doing today?