Thursday’s workout

I’m late with my workout post today. Starting last night, I was overcome with extreme fatigue and sleepiness. Not sure what was going on but I went to bed when I got home from work last night and then got up to go to Plumbline this morning even though I felt over tired and klutzy. I didn’t have the best workout. Sometimes you need to stop and listen to what your body is trying to say…I came home from camp and went back to bed and let’s just say it is 4p and I have slept most of the day. I could probably sleep some more if I tried…i just don’t feel so hot today.

Here is our new routine for this month’s Thursday camp:

warmup 2 rounds
backwards lunges
straight leg lifts (right leg, left leg)
high knees
tuck jumps

core 2 rounds/1 min each
ab twists going up and down on command
6 inches
50 push-ups

workout 3 rounds/1 min each station/AMRAP with 2 rest/active stations
heavy jump ropes
45lb bb snatch squats/OH squats /back to snatch squats
25lb db lunge squats/jump in and out between the 25lb dumbells/back to lunge squats
power clean squats 25lb kettlebells
push-ups with your feet in rings/knees to elbows with your feet in the rings

Rest/active stations are the stations where you keep going even though time has been called for another 30 secs. you dont get a rest in between and after 30 seconds you head right to the next station and begin…As I mentioned, my rep # wasn’t as high as it should be – my body just was worn out.

It’s a beautiful day here in the No VA area — try to get outside and walk, run, jog, play tag with your kids — enjoy a taste of spring…