Plumbline Training group training workout for Wednesday
3 30 sec intervals of jumping with the heavy rope
General stretching
Core work
42 push-ups
2 rounds 1min
BOSU crunches (back, side, side)
BOSU Glute bridge (left then right leg lifted)
BOSU Side crunches (1 min each side)
oblique tugs 50lbs
shoulder press 80lbs (I did 9 unassisted this time)
double box jumps (2 boxes in a row and you jump then jump again)
rope climb
lateral squats 55lbs
kettlebell swings 45lbs
PT station
3 rounds @ 60secs each
85lb front squats
Inch worms
5 pull-ups — no band, all ME!
I am frustrated. I have been thinking about the concept of conditioning. Conditioning your body to continue on. I have spoken about this before — what is the driving force one person needs to continue to push themselves through the pain? To not let the pain stop them from carrying on. For me personally, I have not been trained to think like this — It hurts, I stop. Dig down deeper – I’m sure it stems from fear. I don’t want to get hurt and at the point where I feel a tinge of pain or discomfort, I stop and reset. Trust me – it frustrates the hell out of me. I see others in camp that push on and I constantly think, what makes them different than me?? I work as hard as they do, I am focused, I am willing to do what it takes…

I believe that children who play on team sports learn the behavior, hence become conditioned to push through. To win at almost any cost. Day after day, practice after practice, it is drilled into them. I did not do team sports growing up at all, so this is a new way of thinking to me. It’s a shift that I have to make internally. My internal dialogue has to be constantly rerouted and that takes time. Lord knows, becoming the person I am today took time and lasting change takes consistency and determination.
Being self aware is a key ingredient in change too. I am completely aware that this is something that I have to work on and I believe it is holding me back from achieving so much more…and not just fitness related.
Don’t you think it’s healthy to be constantly aware of things that may be holding you back in your life and make regular decisions about what they are worth to you?