Why Train With A Heart Rate Monitor

Why Train With A Heart Rate Monitor – New To Polar – Training With Polar – Polar Electro – USA.

I have mentioned before that I love my Polar fitness monitor. It’s not one of those super fancy ones but it’s not a cheap one either. Someone asked me the other day why I wear it.  I like knowing how many calories I burn during a workout. I like knowing which workout makes me burn more calories. I like getting instant feedback on my hard work – the payoff if you want to call it that. I also know that during my workouts – the range my heart rate should be in and if it’s not there, I need to push myself harder.

Because of my asthma I tend to panic when I start to breathe heavy and I ultimately stop to catch my breath. I mean breathing is important right??? I am trying through practice to continue on even if its just for 5-10 seconds after my mind tells me to stop. I use my heart monitor to help me learn what my HR is when the panic starts to set in.

Polar has really good information about training with a HRM. Check it out!