No Excuses, No Whining

Today’s workout was a tough one and what made it tougher was that it was a chilly morning. I just wanted to keep myself under the covers – the big comfortable comforter! It’s sleeping weather in my book. And I hate to admit it but I hit the snooze button once. I NEVER hit that button. But my commitment got the best of me! I got up, got ready for my workout. Lately when I am conflicted I tell myself – you will feel fine after wards, so get your ass moving. Going into robot mode, getting to Plumbline and just doing it. No excuses, no whining…

2 min jump rope

general stretching
2 rounds:
Stability Ball crunches
ball scissor twists
ball 83s – ball between your legs, legs straight. When you do the sit up, bend your knees with the ball and touch the sides of your ankles.
2 rounds:
reverse crunch on your stomach
stomach back kicks

2 rounds:
PowerStation: 95lb bench press (10)
OH sit-up
25lb kettlebell figure 8s (20)
85lbs power clean squats
double rope waves

PT Station:
3 min each station AMRAP:
85lb hang cleans
65lb push press OH Squats