Earth Day Celebrates its 40th Anniversary on April 22, 2010

Here is a great manageable list of things you can do with your family to celebrate Earth Day.   It’s the little things that make a big difference in our lives and in the Earth. Starting kids early learning about treating Mother Nature well helps set up a strong foundation for their future and ours.

A GeekyMomma’s Blog: Earth Day Celebrates its 40th Anniversary on April 22, 2010.

Here’s a list of fun activities you can do with your kids to teach them about the environment.

· Pull out invasive plants and replace them with native species.

· Ride bikes, walk or take public transit.

· Volunteer at a local Earth Day event.

· Write a letter to a local policymaker.

· Start a family garden and grow healthy food. Start a compost pile and use a rain barrel.

· Switch out light bulbs for energy- efficient CFLs.

· Learn about the history of the environmental movement. Use activity ideas from Earth Day Network lesson plans.

· Paint an eco- mural. Use green art supplies.

· Make art from recycled objects.

· Play educational games Environmental Jeopardy.

· Use the interactive online Ecological Footprint quiz.

· View and discuss films on Earth Day TV.

· Clean up your playground, schoolyard, walking paths or watershed.

· Hold a recycling or waste reduction contest.

· Take your kids outside.

· Compost your good scraps.

Here is also the Official Earth Day website: THE OFFICIAL EARTH DAY 2010 CAMPAIGN – April 22, 2010 | Earth Day Network.