Not every day can be a party

Another rainy Monday – Inside boot camp doing AMRAP 3 rounds, 1 min stations. I am struggling with my workouts lately. I am not sure if it’s boot camp fatigue or something else. I know that everyone has hills and valleys during their fitness journey and maybe this is my regular valley. I just can’t seem to get my groove back during my lifts. I am tired – so do I lower my weights so that it’s doable for a while or do I just push through and hope/know that a peak will be coming…

Also, full disclosure – my weight has been consistently up the last 2 months. Not a lot but enough to know it’s not just a normal ebb and flow. It’s been a struggle to keep focused on my eating plan. And that’s not saying that I have a strict eating plan at all — but in the past I have been very aware and conscious of the choices I make and the last month or two, I just have taken a much more laid back view of it all. Seems  it’s catching up with me – but even with that, I am tired. When they say this ain’t easy – it really isn’t and while it is part of my lifestyle now – you can see I struggle with it. But it’s the commitment I made – so I will push through.
Not every day can be a party!

Plumbline Workout

rockette kicks
backward lunges
tuck jumps
high knees

crunches (group did rocking knee roll ups)
6in flutters
placement sit ups
25 bottom up push ups

AMRAP in 60 secs per station/ 3 rounds
SDHP (65lbs)
200m run
25lb db push press squats
65lbs backwards row/bicep curls
box crossovers x2