Month: June 2010

  • Starting Weds Off Right

    Warmup 400m run Core 83’s with the stability ball leg extensions with the ball back extensions 40 push-ups general stretching workout hamstring curls push press 85lbs ring push ups chest press with 12lb Dynamax ball windmills 20lb dumbbells hang clean squats 75lbs PT 16,12,8 BOSU xovers x2, BTH push press 65lbs, checkpoints The Pt Station…

  • 2 years livin strong!

    Walking into Georgetown Hospital after being away for 6 months, feelings of anxiety swept over me. It actually started en route. I hadn’t expected to really feel that way but I guess it makes sense. Scott and I have experienced quite a bit in hospitals in general but this was our home every other Tuesday…

  • Workout Tuesday

    Went up in weights with today’s workout. My partner Kristen and I were both confident we could do it and we managed to finish in under 30 mins which was the cut off time. Not too shabby! Warmup:x2 shuffle push-ups jump skips checkpoints core: partner 14lb dynamax ball bridge x 2 partner woodchuck bounce x…