Adding a new level of Fun to Boot Camp!

Yesterday morning I was running so late and rushing around to get out of the house to get to work but as I walked out to my car, I saw this big beautiful butterfly and had to stop to appreciate it. It had bright blue outline on the inside and orange on the outside and it stopped on my dirty Run Amuck sneaker. It wasn’t scared and i reached out to touch it lightly. Sometimes in the middle of rush — you need to stop, relax and breathe. And moments like that are made to remind you of that!

Mikey is trying something new and switching up the workouts for the month – choosing a different workout on a different day to mix us all up. So today we were challenged with the Friday bootcamp workout. I don’t go to Friday bootcamp so it was new to me — I like the element of surprise. It adds a different level of fun to the routine!

I am feeling great this morning too. My foot hurts but not nearly as bad as it did yesterday morning and this workout was made for me. Lots of upper body strength and I am all about the upper body workouts!!  It was breezy too!  Couldn’t ask for a better workout morning weather wise….

side shuffles
jump skips

core x2
Partner dynamax ball 16lb ball twists
Side toss
25 high five push-ups to partner on each side (alternating)

65lb back squats
power clean press 25lb db
lunge squats x3
ring push ups x2
200m,100m, 200m, 100m, 200m

Make sure you do something active today – If you are looking to just get started try this out: go for 10 min walk, do 10 pushups, do 10 sit ups, and finish with 10 jumping jacks directly afterwards.  Do it 2x and try to finish as fast as you can — You don’t need fancy equipment — good old fashion calisthenics will do just fine!