Month: August 2010

  • Fall Fashion – What Do Young Fashionistas Want?

    Fall Fashion – What Do Young Fashionistas Want? – I love reading about fashion trends. Here’s an interesting article in the NYT about Millennials and their take on fashion this fall….what are your thoughts? There is plenty of research about the so-called Millennials — people ages 18 to 29 — to suggest you can’t…

  • Weekend Fun for Families

    Looking for some fun ideas in the Northern VA area this weekend? Here are some — AOL has a great employee parent’s group and they send out this weekly newsletter full of information and ideas and events. Here’s a few events I noticed this upcoming weekend: SAT 8/28 Greenberg’s Train & Toy Show Greenberg’s Train…

  • Stick with it — there is no way you will regret it.

    I have a friend at bootcamp who seems to get down on herself too much — I saw her slowing down today and I said ‘Come on, you can do it — if I can, you can’. She said no way — and it got me thinking, does she really think that I have something…

  • A Welcome Workout

    I feel fall in the air and what a difference it makes in my workout. For one, I can breathe — the heat and humidity wreak havoc with my asthma so this cooler air is a welcome break. Also, I have more energy to do the workouts with the cooler weather. Win no matter how…

  • Photographs can be Hazardous to your Mental Health

    I read this blog post by Roni called Sometimes It’s Just a Bad Picture — and it really could not have come at a better time. July and August I did races and with those races were race photographers who put the photos in a gallery for you to view and if you want, buy.…

  • Group Training Wednesday

    Warmup 2min of jump rope Core x2 general stretching rocky tiers V-ups on the BOSU 6inches with BOSU on your legs (this one is hard!) 30 push-ups (tennis ball placed on the floor and each time your chest needs to touch the ball) Workout x2 OH Squats 75lb Roman Deadlifts 145lbs Toe to Bar powerclean…

  • Coffee Addiction: How to Naturally Kick the Habit

    I am not one to say cut out all caffeine. I believe moderation is the key to anything — so if you enjoy the one cup a day — I personally do not think that’s an issue but then again I am not a doctor. Some people say you have to cut it out completely…

  • Adding a new level of Fun to Boot Camp!

    Yesterday morning I was running so late and rushing around to get out of the house to get to work but as I walked out to my car, I saw this big beautiful butterfly and had to stop to appreciate it. It had bright blue outline on the inside and orange on the outside and…

  • No More Gym? Don’t Worry, Your Muscles Remember

    The study challenges the idea that muscles go back to their starting condition when you stop strength training. “Our findings suggest that there are permanent structural changes in the muscle,” says Gundersen. “We don’t know if they’re really permanent, but they’re very long-lasting in animals, at least.” The researchers put mice through strength training on…

  • Exercise with an injured foot

    Mikey switched it up today and had us do Tuesday’s workout on a Monday. Imagine the horror!! He said he was trying to shake our bodies up –but between us, I think he forgot what day it was and set up for the Tuesday workout. We will never know! The pic to the left is…