Pre-weekend HIIT workout

I thought my bicep muscle pull was feeling a bit better until I did my usual push-ups and then did a 90lb push press to start off my day. Michael – my trainer – let me go down in weight for the push press to 75lbs during the 2nd round. I am going to ice it today to see if I can help move along the healing. Ahh, such is the life of an athlete!

I stopped by a goodbye Happy Hour yesterday after work for someone at my company that i had worked with on a few projects in my early days — I had only water. As I mentioned last week, it’s good to get out of your comfort zone a bit. The HH was with a group of co-workers I don’t get to work with often and it really gives you a different perspective of how things are within your company. The grass is not greener anywhere really — we all have our challenges and things we would like to change.

My HIIT training is done for the week –tomorrow is my run with Kimmy and Jacky the dog!

450m run

toe touches
urkles -(making large circles with your legs and hands behind your head)
general stretching
40 push-ups

65lb lateral squat
SDHP 85lbs
25lb kb windmills
40lb db squats
ring dips w 25lb vest
90lbs/75 lb push press

PT Station
Ring Pull ups
100 jump ropes
plyo pushups/2