CrossFit WODs are never what they seem —

Jason & I

What a storm we had last night — pouring rain hitting the side of the house. I like the sound of falling rain and all but this was a loud storm. You just have to appreciate mother nature!

Today’s workout once again seems pretty minor but oh no — it was tough and right after doing Murph.

Row 500m
10 push ups
10 Pass Thurs
10 Squats
10 Handstands

Hang Power Clean

15 Hang Power Clean – started with 75lb but couldn’t get the form right, so dropped to 65lbs
15 Burpees
Time: 10:03

You need to listen to your body — I need a rest day and it probably should have been today.  So – I will listen now and take tomorrow off. It wasn’t my best  performance. Hang Clean Squats and Hang Power Cleans seem to give me a tough time. My timing is off — I bend my arms way too early and it causes me to have to muscle up the weight as opposed to let my hips create the momentum. I know what I need to do, it is feeling that right moment to pull. More practice…