Saturday Free Workout at CrossFit

It was a free Saturday workout at CrossFit today — love meeting new people and hanging out with some of the athletes that go to different time classes.

sampson stretch
10 Pass Thrus
10 OHS
10 Pull Ups
10 Hollow Rocket/Supermans


100m run
20 Air Squats
100m run
20 burpees
100m run
20 pull ups
100m run
50m lunges with 25lb plate
100m run
50m broad jumps
time: 20:22

I was trying hard to get in under 20m, but I had to wait for a space on the pull up bar. I ended up doing 12 in first batch of pull ups with no band and then moved on to a band. The 2nd round I used a band. For 20m, it was a really tough workout!
