Getting you more Fit

What can I say? It’s scorching hot in Northern VA and it’s only 7A. Be careful out there for anyone getting some fitness in, hydrate and know the signs of overexertion and rhabdo. Even getting your fitness on is not worth risking your health. And coming from me –who forsakes Sleep often in the name of fitness– you know it’s true!

All of the CrossFit athletes left the box today drenching in sweat — yeah, good times.  My friend Andre is working on improving his running, so he and I go for a quick 800m run before class starts each time he’s here if we can. I also am not in love with running, so I like to tackle it with a partner. Also those things that are your weakness in fitness and in life in general –those should be the things you work on. They are the key to getting  you stronger, faster, more fit.

800m run
10 Pass thrus
10 Kick to Handstands
10 strict pull ups
10 ring dips

Skin the Cat
Inverted Ring Hand Stands
Dead Lifts

145# Deadlifts
20in box jumps
time: 9:07
Not my best time – Coach Jerry stopped me to work on deadlifts, so it stalled some of my time. I’m not sure if it was the certification this weekend, but my DL’s are all screwy. I am over thinking things way too much I think —


One response to “Getting you more Fit”

  1. Interesting post! I’m going to have to try that workout one day! I’m going to have to work on that inverted ring hand stand though, might be a little challenge for me but that’s okay! Thanks for the post!