Did you happen to watch the 2011 CrossFit Games on ESPN2 last night? It’s on tonite and tomorrow too…8p EST. If you want to see the sort of stuff I do on a day to day basis, check it out. I do not, well have not yet, done open ocean swimming but the thing about CrossFit is that you are prepared for whatever life throws at you –so bring it.
I saw someone post on Facebook today:
“Any reason I can’t skip down the sidewalk. My daughter does it with such abandon. It would really help my week.”
Why are we as adults like that? I mean at what point in our lives did we decide that you can’t just skip, or do cartwheels, or play on the monkey bars? I know we have grown up lives — paying bills, parenting, dealing with adult life — but why can’t we keep the playful side of us too? I am always laughing about how I am happy that CrossFit doesn’t have mirrors because I know with all my heart that I look like a doofus doing some of this stuff. And again, the videos taken of me at the gymnastics place last week was proof. But you know what — I am learning to let that go. Who cares?
Someone wrote to me yesterday and said that when they saw me check in at Apex Gymnastics on Tuesday, they assumed I was taking my daughter and said this …
You are such a rockstar, I love that you are so brave. I’m not sure I could let someone film me attempting a cartwheel – you go girl!
I am no rockstar, I am just learning to let go of my insecurities and think of myself as an athlete who is open to trying new things. No one says you can’t do a cartwheel at a gymnastics place for a few hours and of course I ok’d it with my husband. I make the rules for my life — and my goal is that it will rub off on my kids too. Walk the walk, talk the talk.
800m jog
10 OHS
10 Pass thrus
10 Up, Back, & Overs (arm/shldr warmup)
10 Whirly Birds
Cobra Stretch
Handstand transitions
Iron Cross w/ Rings
7 20in box jumps
7 Push Press 63#
total: 11+