My Fitness theory for my kids

While my hubby is off on a business trip, I get the benefit of sleeping in for the next few days. Well, I don’t have to get up so darn early but I do have to get up early and get the kids ready and off to school before 8A. I am going to mix things up and hit a few evening classes at CrossFit this week. I have already told the kids to be ready and bring something to occupy their time – because I have to get my fitness in!

It’s part of my life, so I just adapt as necessary. I truly believe that if your kids see you making fitness a regular part of your life, they will think that’s normal – and will grow up making fitness important in theirs! Well – that’s my theory anyway!! I will let you know how it goes. I know that seeing my kids at CrossFit Kids, giving the workout their focus and really putting 100% in it, fills me with pride. Not only are they starting to build a fitness foundation, they are sharing their Mom’s  passion. Love It!