I went and got my mammogram yesterday. It wasn’t bad at all — it’s amazing how they get whatever boob you have and squish it in between these plate like things. A few minutes of being uncomfortable is no biggie. I am telling you, after seeing what my husband had to go through first hand –these minor inconveniences are no big deal at all. And I always say –after you have given birth, what embarrasses you is redefined.
I’m in a great mood today —
800m run
2x–oly 45# bar
10 OH Squats
10 Good Mornings
10 Dead Lifts
10 Push Press
KB Snatch
Death by 10m
KB Snatch tabata!
totals: 13 rounds & 4
I should be feeling it in a few hours. Interval running training is tough on my lungs – it’s only 10m right –but over the course of a minute you increase the laps. The first lap over a minute is no big deal –then keep adding 10m. I got to 13 before I ran out of time…