Change that Attitude…

My friend wore this shirt to our workout on Sunday and it made me me laugh. See if you can figure out what it says —

I was all ready to go workout this morning but when I woke up — I realized I am sore! So – I decided to get some extra sleep and skipped the workout this AM.  You really have to stop sometimes and take stock of where you are in your fitness journey. Sometimes you need to deviate from your regular schedule to take an extra day to recover or throw in an extra workout day. Life is about being flexible so fitness needs to fit into that sort of plan.

My shoulders, hamstrings and abs hurt. Top, Mid-section, Bottom –I guess that means my entire body is sore!

I have decided that I am going to focus on my attitude the next few weeks. I am going to work on being happy for people that seem happy and successful. Most of us tend to have a bit of resentment or look at those type of people with a bit of sarcasm. I am going to choose to be happy for them being happy and conversely, I am going to not spend time thinking about those people out there that are just plain crappy. They aren’t worth my time and I am wasting my own time thinking about them and what they have done that pissed me off. So starting today — I am going to look at the world differently on purpose and not give any of my brain space to people that simply don’t deserve it.  Where did I guess this crazy idea? I have been reading this blog that really seems to encapsulate some of my thoughts — and gives some good advice.  Check out the blog by James Altucher when you get a chance…