Time to Reset

I’m going to take a few extra rests days — my body seems to be just burning and my performance has been off. And to top it off, I was leaving CrossFit this AM and got pulled over by a very nice police officer. He said I did a rolling stop at a stop sign — as he walked up to my car, he seemed angry but then when he asked where I was coming from and I said CrossFit –he seemed to warm up. Do cops purposely take a while in their car to check your license so you can sweat it out. The tears started flowing — I have had a few rough stressful weeks and this was not what I needed. He didn’t give me a ticket which I sincerely appreciated —  now let’s get this day off to a better start. As we say in my  house –time to reset!

5x50m sprints
Dynamic Stretching
10 Pass thrus
10 OHS
10 Good mornings

400m run


As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
3 Handstand Push-ups
5 Pull-ups
7 Knees-to-elbows
total 8+3 HSPU


I did not use any bands for my pull ups today — and let me tell you it’s much harder that way. Especially when you dont have kipping. I just feel like screaming sometimes because of these pull ups. It’s up to me to practice though so I can’t blame anyone but ME.
