I struggled a bit with today’s workout. The feeling of having to struggle through a workout is not something I enjoy obviously and think I should have dropped the weight at the onset so I could get through it without it feeling like torture. There is next time…
So I am sure most of you have seen all over facebook and the web about the first workout of the CrossFit Games. It’s burpees – 7 minutes of burpees. They really aren’t my favorite exercise but I like that anyone can do them.
Do Burpees
25 Double Unders
10 Squats
10 Push Ups
10 Pass Thrus
10 Good Mornings
65# OHS
Ring Dips (thin/small blue band)
8:34 time. I came in last and yes, it irked me. I struggled with the OHS today, felt like I had no power to hold it above my head. I am sure it had to do with not having a break since last Thursday. YA THINK??!! I’m off tomorrow to rest up for my burpees — ahh rest.
2 responses to “Ah Yeah! Burpees!”
[Video] Do Burpees – this guy apparently knows the secret http://t.co/t4COeUjh #cfgames2012 #crossfit #burpees
Watch this Video: This guy is BURPEE crazy: http://t.co/2Yt0kLH3